I found the best gelato in Vienna

Location: Ferrari Caffe und Pasticceria, Annagasse 3, 1010 Wien, Austria

Flavours tried: Stracciatella chocolate, tiramisu and Queen Elisabeth (described as a creme caramel festival on the menu)

Price: Small cup €2.70, medium €3.80

My list of Ice cream/gelato places to try is still long, but I’m still committed and maybe if I walk a lot I won’t need a new wardrobe after this.

The other day I had planned to visit a vegan ice cream place, but it wasn’t yet open. What? I can’t have a treat at 11am? Geez it’s already noon somewhere.

I regrouped and braving the heavily touristed part of the city walked to Ferrari Caffe und Pasticceria. I’m still working from the Vienna Würstelstand’s list and this one is on my list of places to try because the Italian family who founded it make their own all natural gelato daily.

The second minor hiccup in my day was that Ferrari gelato has moved, so google maps led me to the now closed store. Luckily the move was recent enough that there’s a sign with their new location in their old spot. The new location is only one street away so it was an easy detour.

Ferrari Caffee is a on a quiet side street off of the main pedestrian shopping area, and it’s a full cafe so you can sit and eat or just order at the counter. I chose the quick counter option and ate at a table outside.

At first I was confused because I didn’t see the usual gelato display. Here the gelato is under steel covers so you don’t get to see the gelato before you choose. Rest assured the gelato looks like other gelatos you’ve seen before, the chocolate isn’t oddly purple or anything. And I’m sure they would open the covers if asked.

Looking at their flavour board I decided to go with my usual chocolate and when ordering gelato I like to get stracciatella, cause I’m basic and it’s like chocolate chip ice cream.

I had both flavours in a small cup, and the serving was generous, I regretted not getting a larger size as soon as I tasted it.

This is the best gelato I have had in a very, very long time.

The chocolate was crazy good, I was wondering how they melted down the best dark chocolate bar I’ve ever had and made it into gelato. It was rich and dense and just so good. I wanted to lick the paper cup afterwards.

The stracciatella was also the best I’ve ever tasted, it was like lovely cake icing with dark chocolate pieces. It actually seemed fluffy. Is gelato even supposed to be fluffy? No matter, it was excellent.

After I inhaled my cup I considered going back for another one right away. But I’m an adult now and sometimes I even eat like one.

I did return a couple of days later and got a larger size this time with chocolate and tiramisu. The tiramisu was also excellent, not to sweet.

The husband got chocolate and “Queen Elisabeth”. Queen Elisabeth (described as a creme caramel festival on the menu) was also very good, a nice smooth caramel flavour.

I doubt it’s possible to get a bad flavour at Ferrari Gelato, if you are visiting Vienna definitely make the effort to find it, you won’t regret it.

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