Tichy – Vienna’s most famous eis salon

Location: Tichy, Reumannpl. 13, 1100 Wien, Austria

Flavours tried: from their Original Tichy menu, Snowball ice cream with chocolate sauce.


Jubilaum Coup -translation Anniversary or Jubiliee, 3 ice cream flavours with egg liquor/chocolate or hazelnut liquor and whipped cream

Price: Snowball €3.60, Anniversary Coup €5.50

Snowball ice cream from Tichy
Inside the Snowball ice cream from Tichy

Wow, the end of the summer seems to have gotten away from me. I left Vienna weeks ago but am just now posting my last eis salon review. Good thing ice cream is a year round dessert.

My final Vienna ice cream review is Tichy, Vienna’s most well known eis salon. They are the only ones that have ads throughout the city, there’s even a tram fully wrapped in Tichy advertising. Sadly, the Tichy streetcar doesn’t actually take you to Tichy. A note for transit authority – it’s not a bad idea.

The advertising got to me, so I was excited to go to Tichy. It’s also one of Vienna’s oldest eis salons, they make their own ice cream creations, and the staff still dress in 50’s style uniforms. Win, win, win.

Well, not so fast.

I did have to take transit to Tichy, and although it’s not in the touristy part of town, when I got there I discovered Tichy is a tourist destination. I’d say all that adverting is working.

It was a warm summer’s evening and the place was packed. The four queues for a scoop were 10 people deep each, the patio was full, however inside I spied a table and wormed my way through. I should note that although it was a busy the table service was decently prompt.

We pursued the German menu but it was too much for google translate to handle so we asked for an English menu.

As usual I had trouble deciding what to order, I was tempted to just order my own concoction however Tichy is known for its dessert inventions, there was even a video of these playing on TV screens at the front of the cafe, so I went with something called Snowball ice cream. The husband got a sundae called the Anniversary, which looked good.

The Snowball ice cream was very odd looking, it was indeed a white ball covered in smaller balls of sugar, it kind of reminded me of one of those plastic dryer balls or massage balls. It was served in a small metal dish with lots of chocolate sauce. So far so good.

It was the sweetest ice cream dessert I have ever had.

I like sweet, sweet is my go to, but this was just too much. My throat hurt afterwards.

The knobs on the snowball were made from sugar I’m guessing, and inside there was a mysterious egg yolk-like liquid, possibly apricot sauce? It resembled a soft boiled egg in chocolate sauce. The combination wasn’t good. I didn’t even finish it.

The husband’s dessert seemed more promising, a scoops of ice cream with chocolate liquor. The ice cream was fine but the taste of it was overpowered by the liquor. I’m not a liquor fan so I thought this dessert was also too sweet, and just too much.

It’s always a bit disheartening when a dessert order goes wrong.

And it’s with a heavy heart that I say that the Tichy order went very wrong indeed.

I hate to not recommend Tichy, so if you want to brave the crowds by all means go. But remember just because something is more complicated doesn’t mean it’s better. There are times when simplicity is best, when at Tichy, follow the masses, keep it simple, get an ice cream cone.

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